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Mobile Sheep Handling System
S204 Tractor Drawn Dipper

2100 Ltr Tank (470 Gallon)


Single Axle


Decoy head yoke allows sheep to run up the ramp onto slip floor and entry into dip tank.


Large full draining tank allows draining pen to be emptied rapidly ensuring dipper is in full use at all times.


3200 Ltr Tank (710 Gallon)


Twin 8 Stud Axle


32ft x 8ft


1500mm Deep swim round tank


Twin dripping pen


Twin exit ramp


Long lead up ramp with walk way to assist loading.


Decoy head yoke sloping floor into dip tank ideal for large flocks, allowing for high through-put

Mobile Sheep Dipper
Road Legal sheep dipper

Decoy head yoke sloping floor into dip tank ideal for large flocks, allowing for high through-put


Large full draining tank allows draining pen to be emptied rapidly ensuring dipper is in full use at all times.


2100 Ltr Tank (470 Gallon)


Twin axle


Fully road legal (tested by DVSA).


Twin exit ramp


Long lead up ramp with walk way to assist loading.



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