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Single lamb creep feeder (3).JPEG

Single and Double sided Lamb Creep Feeder


Whats Available?

The original 8'  Single sided Lamb Creep. 200kg capacity.


Our versatile double sided lamb creep with its detachable forklift bar. 400kg Capacity


**NEW FOR 2025**


4' Lamb creep with a 100kg capacity and mesh floor to help with foot-rot. 


Can I Add any extras?


Recently we started to add a mesh floor to our lamb creeps upon request! You can have this added on to a new lamb creep before delivery or alternatively add this floor to your current set up. 


General Specs!

All of our lamb creeps are unique! Adjustable bars that move to suit the size of your lambs.

A durable design, built to stand the test of time in all weather conditions!


Are Portequip Lamb creeps heavy to move?

Our lamb creeps are built with a heavy and durable steel. Although the construction is classed as heavy duty the lamb creeps can be moved easily by one person when fitted with the wheel kit that is included! 

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